Série a Anthem- O generosa Lyrics

O generosa Magnitudo!
O generosa veni ad nos!
Victori gloria,
cum honestate semper movetur cor eius. (2 v)

Victori gloria
Victori gloria
Victori gloria

Custodi animum tuum
ut a corruptione abstineat necopinatum gaudium accipies O generosa!

Gloria, I say to you, Hallelujah! Winner you will be in your heart Gloria, I say to you Hallelujah! Winner you’ll be in your heart always you’ll be.

(Translation in English)

Oh noble strength!
Oh noble one, come to us!
Glory to the winner, his heart is always honest. (x2)
Glory to the winner
Glory to the winner
Glory to the winner
Take care of your soul,
protect it from corruption,
you will experience unexpected joy, Oh noble one!

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  1. A great song it is, very captivating with supreme being,being recognised.
